Mentoring mechanics: fostering talent and tradition at Maats Pipeline Professionals

At Maats Pipeline Professionals, we’re committed to nurturing talent from within. This commitment extends to our workshop, where seasoned all-round mechanic Alex Huiskes plays a major role in shaping the next generation. With 14 years of hands-on experience, Alex is passing on his knowledge to Joep Klein Kranenbarg, a promising apprentice on the path to becoming an all-around mechanic. In this article, they provide further insight into their roles and dynamic at Maats.

Preparing the next generation

Alex takes immense satisfaction in his role as a mechanic, fueled by a deep-rooted passion for his craft. For him, there’s no greater joy than imparting his knowledge to the next generation, paving the way for them to embark on a similarly fulfilling career path. “I find the work I do very enjoyable. I want to give young people, like Joep, the opportunity to learn everything about this wonderful profession.”

Alex took particular delight in instructing Joep about the intricacies of hydraulic systems within the machinery. “Joep is remarkably adept at grasping new concepts, which makes teaching him about pressure relief valves all the more enjoyable,” Alex shares. “He’s also fascinated by the workings of the welding tractor,” he adds. Joep chimes in, expressing his admiration for the versatility of the welding tractor. “It’s truly remarkable how this machine can adapt to various tasks,” he remarks, reflecting on the breadth of knowledge he’s gaining under Alex’s guidance.

Working together at Maats

In the one and a half years since Joep joined Maats, both he and Alex have experienced significant growth. Joep’s eagerness to learn has not only enriched his own skills but has also influenced Alex’s approach to task explanation. “I used to rush through explanations when repairing something. Joep’s thoughtful questions have taught me the value of taking the time to explain things calmly,” Alex reflects. Joep, in turn, acknowledges Alex’s expertise and appreciates the opportunity to learn under his guidance. “Alex has a clear process in his mind, and he explains it well when I ask questions,” Joep adds.

As Joep gains confidence in the workshop, he values the freedom given to him to explore tasks independently. “I’m grateful for the freedom to take initiative and try things on my own,” Joep shares. “When I’m assigned a task, I’m encouraged to give it a shot and see how far I can go.” Alex commends Joep’s proactive approach and willingness to seek clarification when needed. “Joep isn’t hesitant to ask questions or seek help if he’s unsure about something,” Alex observes. “His curiosity and eagerness to learn are praiseworthy.”

Feeling at home

At Maats, both Alex and Joep find themselves in a welcoming environment that feels like home. “Being part of this exceptional team means balancing hard work with moments of humor,” Joep shares. Reflecting on his 14-year journey with Maats, Alex remarks, “I joined this company through a referral, and I’ve never looked back.”

The camaraderie also extends beyond the workplace, with team members supporting each other in personal endeavors. Recently, Alex took the time to teach Joep how to replace the clutch in his car. “Learning how to replace my car’s clutch was a rewarding experience,” Joep recalls. “Alex guided me through the process, and I completed the task independently. It’s moments like these that make working alongside Alex so enjoyable.”

All-round mechanic at Maats

In just another year and a half, Joep will earn his diploma, officially marking him as an ‘All-round mechanic.’ With this achievement on the horizon, Joep envisions a future at Maats. “If the experience continues to be positive for both sides, I would like to stay at Maats,” he shares.

Alex echoes Joep’s sentiments, expressing his hope that Joep chooses to remain with the company beyond his apprenticeship program. “Naturally, I hope Joep decides to stay; individuals as enthusiastic and dedicated as Joep are rare to come by,” Alex affirms, emphasizing the value of Joep’s passion and commitment to the team.

Working at Maats

Ready to drive the future of pipeline construction? At Maats, we’re seeking passionate professionals eager to contribute to our tradition of engineering and innovative solutions. Step into a world where your skills foster global impact. Explore opportunities at Maats and build extraordinary projects with us.

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